

Breast cancer affects millions of women

We are Speaking of the millions of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer. Breast cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed of all cancers in women. Women with breast cancer rack up huge medical bills which can bankrupt their families. Breast cancer affects millions of women and their families. Thankfully, due to all the money and time donated to cancer research, advances have been made in the treatment of breast cancer. I have known two women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Breast cancer natural treatment uses resource from nature to heal the body. How does it cause sun burns and skin cancer? Breast cancer natural treatment is a whole new lifestyle that is healing and enjoyable. You can google and find many breast cancer survivors who speak of their healing process via books, support groups for breast cancer, personal websites, and forums.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in American women, with the exception of skin cancer. Understanding your risk for developing breast cancer is essential for early detection and diagnosis. There is no known cause of breast cancer. Gender and age play a big role in determining your risk for breast cancer. Breast cancer is most commonly found in women ages 55 and over. How Can a Diet Help Fight Breast Cancer ?  Eating a healthy diet is important for everyone, not just those dealing with cancer. A number of nutrients and chemicals found in different types of food seem to help the body fight and defend itself against breast cancer. Phytochemicals
Provide Antioxidant Activity - most phytochemicals induce antioxidant activity, which protects our body's cells against oxidative damage and greatly reduce the risk of developing many types of cancer, including breast cancer.
What's in a Cancer Fighting Diet?
Cancer research shows that increasing that amount to 25-30g each day can be a great asset in fighting breast cancer. Research suggests that those who are getting more fiber reduce their risk of breast cancer by nearly 11%. While starting a diet for breast cancer may sound difficult, incorporating these phytochemical and antioxidant-rich foods has immeasurable benefits to fighting and preventing cancer of the breast. It also helps fight existing breast cancer and may help the body be more receptive to treatments.


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