Chemotherapy can kill all the remaining cancer cells in the body. In this way the cancer can be cured. Chemotherapy can also stop cancer from spreading to other parts of the body. To put it bluntly, how effective is chemotherapy for breast cancer?
1. Without chemotherapy what percentage of people died or would die from breast cancer?
2. With chemotherapy what percentage of people are cured or would be cured?
Despite more than 3 decades of research, metastatic breast cancer remains essentially incurable." How effective is chemotherapy ? Chemotherapy has improved survival by less than 3% in adults with cancer."
Veroort et al. from the Netherlands (British J. Cancer. 2004. 91: 242-247) in their study on the role of tamoxifen and chemotherapy for breast cancer concluded that "breast cancer mortality reduction caused by present-day practice of adjuvant tamoxifen and chemotherapy is 7%. Take note that the contribution of chemotherapy to breast cancer survival is very small - what is very small? Chemotherapy for cancer is based on "flawed premises with an unattainable goal, cytotoxic chemotherapy in its present form will neither eradicate cancer not alleviate suffering."
Cured of Breast Cancer ? Women are often told that if they survive five years after their diagnosis of breast cancer, they are considered cured of breast cancer. The most popular (and accepted) method for curing cancer is chemotherapy. Why? Chemotherapy - The treatment of disease by the use of chemical substances, esp. the treatment of cancer by Cytotoxic and other drugs.
Chemotherapy is the treatment used for treating cancer by destroying the cancerous cells. It is also used for treating breast cancer. Adjuvant chemotherapy : This type of chemotherapy is used for destroying the cancer and is a very primary form of treatment used for treating breast cancer.
In gynecologic oncology, trachelectomy, also cervicectomy, is a surgical removal of the uterine cervix. As the uterine body is preserved, this type of surgery is a fertility preserving surgical alternative to a radical hysterectomy and applicable in selected younger women or girls with early cervical cancer.
Most uterine cancers arises in the endometrium or the inner lining of the uterus
The earlier the cancer is detected, the better the prognosis and the higher the Uterine Cancer Survival Rate. This is true not just for uterine cancer but to most cancers. Uterine Cancer Survival Rate is also quite higher among the latter than the former.
Caucasian Women have about 80or more % survival percentage.
African American Women have about 60 or more % survival percentage.
In most cancer cases, the earlier the stage, the higher the survival rate. At stage 0 or 1, the cancer survival rate is at its highest at 90 or more %. When the cancer reaches stage 2 or 3, expect a lower rate of survival at 60 or more %. Fortunately, most uterine cancer cases are detected as early as stage 1, when the cancer has not yet proliferated and it's easier to remove. A Uterine cancer survival rate refers to the percentage of people who were reported still living after being diagnosed with the cancer about 5 yrs ago.
As of today, around 70 or more % of the patients are in stage I, 13% in stage II, 9% stage III, and 3% stage IV.
Uterine Cancer Survival rates at five years are as follows: Stage I: 89%, stage II: 80%, stage III: 30%, and stage IV: 9%.
Patients whose cancer is only confined in the ovary and fallopian tubes, outcome with this treatment is quite high (80% uterine cancer survival rate at five years). Given that uterine cancer is amongst those type of cancers that are easily detected, uterus cancer survival rates are also pretty agreeable for those who are treated at the earliest stage possible. Most uterine cancers arises in the endometrium or the inner lining of the uterus that's why sometimes this type is called endometrial cancer.
Bear in mind that the patients are all treated with the cancer. Because certain hormonal changes are affecting the emotional aspect of women at these times, some patients may prefer not hearing their uterus cancer survival rate. Luckily, a lot of patients are also diagnosed at stage 1, substantially increasing the over-all percentage of survival for all patients with cancer of the uterus.

African American Women have about 60 or more % survival percentage.
In most cancer cases, the earlier the stage, the higher the survival rate. At stage 0 or 1, the cancer survival rate is at its highest at 90 or more %. When the cancer reaches stage 2 or 3, expect a lower rate of survival at 60 or more %. Fortunately, most uterine cancer cases are detected as early as stage 1, when the cancer has not yet proliferated and it's easier to remove. A Uterine cancer survival rate refers to the percentage of people who were reported still living after being diagnosed with the cancer about 5 yrs ago.
As of today, around 70 or more % of the patients are in stage I, 13% in stage II, 9% stage III, and 3% stage IV.
Uterine Cancer Survival rates at five years are as follows: Stage I: 89%, stage II: 80%, stage III: 30%, and stage IV: 9%.
Patients whose cancer is only confined in the ovary and fallopian tubes, outcome with this treatment is quite high (80% uterine cancer survival rate at five years). Given that uterine cancer is amongst those type of cancers that are easily detected, uterus cancer survival rates are also pretty agreeable for those who are treated at the earliest stage possible. Most uterine cancers arises in the endometrium or the inner lining of the uterus that's why sometimes this type is called endometrial cancer.
Bear in mind that the patients are all treated with the cancer. Because certain hormonal changes are affecting the emotional aspect of women at these times, some patients may prefer not hearing their uterus cancer survival rate. Luckily, a lot of patients are also diagnosed at stage 1, substantially increasing the over-all percentage of survival for all patients with cancer of the uterus.
Cervical cancer may be defined as the malignant growth in the cervical area
The symptoms of cervical cancer depend largely upon which stage of progression the cancer has reached. In the early stages of cervical cancer, for instance, very few symptoms can be observed and many individuals experience no symptoms whatsoever. In the early stages of cervical cancer this does not occur. Some of the symptoms of cervical cancer in women who have had the disease for a while are: Pain During Sex - This is another potential indicator that a woman may have cancer of the cervix.
Women health issues have always been majorly emphasized and given importance and one of the most threatening health issues is cervical cancer. It is the third most common type of cancer in women posing as a health threat. The statistics in UK read out a death of 1500 women every year due to cervical cancer. Cervical cancer may be defined as the malignant growth in the cervical area. The symptoms of cervical cancer may be pain during intercourse, pelvic pain, frequent urination, vaginal bleeding or unexpected vaginal discharge etc. Although these symptoms do not imply presence of cervical cancer but mark its possibility. abnormal pap smear may be detected by the regular cervical cancer screening tests. Cervical cancer is one of the leading cancers in women and it is said to be preventable if it is detected early. The different stages for the cervical cancer surgery are - Laser surgery, conization, cryosurgery, simple hysterectomy, radical hysterectomy and radical trachelectomy. Women with cervical cancer usually have either a total (simple) hysterectomy or a radical hysterectomy.
Women health issues have always been majorly emphasized and given importance and one of the most threatening health issues is cervical cancer. It is the third most common type of cancer in women posing as a health threat. The statistics in UK read out a death of 1500 women every year due to cervical cancer. Cervical cancer may be defined as the malignant growth in the cervical area. The symptoms of cervical cancer may be pain during intercourse, pelvic pain, frequent urination, vaginal bleeding or unexpected vaginal discharge etc. Although these symptoms do not imply presence of cervical cancer but mark its possibility. abnormal pap smear may be detected by the regular cervical cancer screening tests. Cervical cancer is one of the leading cancers in women and it is said to be preventable if it is detected early. The different stages for the cervical cancer surgery are - Laser surgery, conization, cryosurgery, simple hysterectomy, radical hysterectomy and radical trachelectomy. Women with cervical cancer usually have either a total (simple) hysterectomy or a radical hysterectomy.
Smoking and lung cancer have been linked for well

Lung cancer kills more people than breast or prostate cancer, primarily because by the time it is detected, lung cancer is usually in an advanced stage. Also when cancer spreads to the lung from the breast, the resulting cells are breast cancer cells, not lung cancer cells. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in American women behind lung cancer, yet surveys have shown that women are more worried about getting breast cancer than lung cancer. Breast cancer has surpassed lung cancer as the leading cause of cancer death in women worldwide, accounting for more than 400000 deaths per year.
Treatment for a secondary lung cancer depends on the primary cancer. Finding early-stage lung cancers is crucial in the treatment results for lung cancer. While having treatment for any stage of lung cancer, you will be able to manage some side effects that may accompany lung cancer or any cancer treatment.
Smoking and lung cancer have been linked for well over 60 years. During that time lung cancer statistics have changed in both men and women in Canada and elsewhere. Smoking Facts in Men : Cancer of the lung causes approximately 20 - 29% of cancer deaths among men depending on the country. Smoking Facts about Women : Lung cancer rates among women have leveled off because the prevalence of smoking has decreased. The Grim Facts About Lung Cancer Survival Rates . You have cancer of the lung." The smoking facts show that just like men women can develop lung cancer from smoking cigarettes.
Breast cancer affects millions of women
We are Speaking of the millions of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer. Breast cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed of all cancers in women. Women with breast cancer rack up huge medical bills which can bankrupt their families. Breast cancer affects millions of women and their families. Thankfully, due to all the money and time donated to cancer research, advances have been made in the treatment of breast cancer. I have known two women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Breast cancer natural treatment uses resource from nature to heal the body. How does it cause sun burns and skin cancer? Breast cancer natural treatment is a whole new lifestyle that is healing and enjoyable. You can google and find many breast cancer survivors who speak of their healing process via books, support groups for breast cancer, personal websites, and forums.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in American women, with the exception of skin cancer.
Understanding your risk for developing breast cancer is essential for early detection and diagnosis. There is no known cause of breast cancer. Gender and age play a big role in determining your risk for breast cancer. Breast cancer is most commonly found in women ages 55 and over. How Can a Diet Help Fight Breast Cancer ? Eating a healthy diet is important for everyone, not just those dealing with cancer. A number of nutrients and chemicals found in different types of food seem to help the body fight and defend itself against breast cancer. Phytochemicals
Provide Antioxidant Activity - most phytochemicals induce antioxidant activity, which protects our body's cells against oxidative damage and greatly reduce the risk of developing many types of cancer, including breast cancer.
What's in a Cancer Fighting Diet?
Cancer research shows that increasing that amount to 25-30g each day can be a great asset in fighting breast cancer. Research suggests that those who are getting more fiber reduce their risk of breast cancer by nearly 11%. While starting a diet for breast cancer may sound difficult, incorporating these phytochemical and antioxidant-rich foods has immeasurable benefits to fighting and preventing cancer of the breast. It also helps fight existing breast cancer and may help the body be more receptive to treatments.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in American women, with the exception of skin cancer.

Provide Antioxidant Activity - most phytochemicals induce antioxidant activity, which protects our body's cells against oxidative damage and greatly reduce the risk of developing many types of cancer, including breast cancer.
What's in a Cancer Fighting Diet?
Cancer research shows that increasing that amount to 25-30g each day can be a great asset in fighting breast cancer. Research suggests that those who are getting more fiber reduce their risk of breast cancer by nearly 11%. While starting a diet for breast cancer may sound difficult, incorporating these phytochemical and antioxidant-rich foods has immeasurable benefits to fighting and preventing cancer of the breast. It also helps fight existing breast cancer and may help the body be more receptive to treatments.
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